Bring More Kiddos To Jump on the Beds!

I have always loved photographing people in their bedrooms. It’s not because I’m a weird snoop or constantly on the lookout for interior design inspiration. Bedrooms are a reflection of their owners, and can be their cozy sanctuary away from the rest of the world.

Often when I come into a client’s home, with the parents’ permission I’ll ask one of the kids to show me their room. Showing me around can help them feel important (which they are!), and showing me their favorite toys often helps a shy kid open up, so they feel less weird about their family session once we get going.

Shooting in bedrooms can give my clients a sense of ease and comfort, as well as a little time capsule to look back on in the years to come and remember how itty bitty their kids were, and what the space looked like when they were a young family together. As for the kids, I would love to have a photo of myself in my room as a kid - my soccer ball on the floor, The Bangles poster on the wall and my My Little Pony collection on display in all their rainbow glory. They are fun pictures to have in the future.

Here are some of my favorites through the years;