Photographing a Bobcat!

Last summer I was contacted by my alma mater Ohio University. They hired me to photograph a fellow Bobcat in my area who had been chosen to make a local TedTalk about her passion for running. Passion to run a half marathon in all 50 states before reaching age 50, to be exact.


The first time I photographed Tiffany, I got up god-awful early for good light and we wandered her neighborhood in south Boston and found great spots to capture both her, and the beautiful place she run in.

A week of so later, I visited her at Salem State College and photographer her there too.

You can click here to read the story about Tiffany, an amazing woman, and here are some shots that didn’t run. One of my favorites is the one where I asked her to be all serious, standing in the sun, and she just couldn’t do it. What a smile!