I'm really excited. I connected with Mothers and Company owner Jeanette Frem yesterday to provide some photos for display in their new, beautiful home in West Boylston, MA.
Jeanette was great. Really nice and so passionate about all causes mom, dad and baby.

In addition to giving me some very nice real estate to show some of my work and let people know about my photo services, she has also offered to host a mini-photo session day for me and her clients. I'm really looking forward to it. It will allow parents to get their child's photo taken and part of the payment will be to bring in a small toy to be donated to Toys for Tots (holidays are just around the corner!). Fun and giving all at once. 'Love me some multi-tasking.

I'll be there between 10 and 2 on November 21st. So, if you think you'll be in the area and would like to book a slot, drop me a line!