WHAT’S with all these words? (allow me to sum-up);

• Show up before your session start time.
• Avoid being too matchy-matchy with your clothing choices.
• Put some food in bellies, and don't bring along distracting things like reward toys or food to the session (but DO consider props. Details below under #3).

Tips to Rock Your Mini Session

Mini sessions can be intimidating. It's nice because you aren't investing a ton of time for a full-length session, and maybe a bit more stress-provoking because of that shorter time period. But worry not! With a bit of prep and a deep breath, we're going to get some awesome shots together!

When you arrive for your mini session, we will walk to where the light and background is at its best. Trust that I am picking the best environment to set you up in the perfect spot (hey, if you wanted predictable, you would have gone to the mall, right? This is way more fun!)

1. Consider bold colors unless they really aren’t your style. Stick with colors you know you and your family members look good in. Strong colors really make your photos pop! Avoid a lot of wild patterns that vary across the group.

Everyone in matching chinos and white polos (or even the same shade of jeans and matching tops) will give your photos a dated look which you won't likely appreciate years from now. Plus is lacks personality!

Choose colors that work together. If you go with the same color, mix it up by choosing varying clothing styles to show each person's individuality. If you all look the same, how will your personalities shine through?

Basically, everyone should wear something they're comfortable in, and feel confident wearing. 

2. Avoid Fussy. When dressing little ones, avoid shirts with phrases or words on them (actually, this goes for people of all ages) unless you don’t care if the words are visible or not. If they're not used to hats and headbands, skip them. We won't get natural shots of your child if they are too busy yanking their accessories off (although that would be hilarious, I'm guessing they are not the shots you're hoping for!). Dressing your child (or letting them dress themselves!) to show their personality can really add to their photos.

3. Include a prop or two. Does your little one have a ragged bunny she can't part with? Let Bunny join the session! A beloved book? It will only add personality and nostalgia to your collection, and we won’t include them in all your shots unless you’d like them to be included.

4. Bribery! Chat with your children beforehand about how important it is to have good listening ears and that they won’t have to follow Cydney’s directions for very long - only twenty minutes! Considering offering something special for doing the best they can during our short time together, whatever that looks like for you and your kid. All that said, I think that photos of your child not smiling from ear to ear are fine! It’s real! Sometimes we don’t feel like performing, and little ones are no different.

5. Hangryness. Don't let your little ones (or big people) get hangry. Make sure they are fed and have had a potty-break beforehand (there is a public bathroom at Arlington Reservoir to the right of the parking lot by the beach). And I do not mean make sure they’ve had a meal an hour before you arrive for your session. Consider giving them non-messy snacks on the way to the session in the car, then leave the snacks behind (incentive for more later for good listening?). Please don’t bring snacks and offer them during your shoot. Food turns into a real distraction, and it makes a mess, both on faces and on clothes. Snacks before, and promises of snacks or treats after seems to work best. 
Oh, and bring something to wipe runny noses with.

6. Breathe Deep. If you’re having fun, so will your kids. If you’re stressing, they’ll know and it will show. Think about little silly things you do at home that make your child laugh - a ticklefest, a spin in your arms, a toss in the air, a good ol’ potty joke, some classic peek-a-boo, and put those in your back pocket to be pulled out if needed. The best photos come from people enjoying each others’ company, seemingly unaware of the camera.

Just remember to go with the flow and enjoy the experience, and know that you're going to have some lovely shots!
You’ve got this!

I can't wait to work with you soon!


Past Mini Sessions