Dear Kim,
It's true that if it weren't for my late-cousin Susan, your partner, we would never have met. Silly Susan, who had been in my life for as long as I remember having one. When I moved away from Massachusetts, you would always make yourselves available to get together when I came home for brief visits. It always made me feel special. When I moved back home for good, Susan and I would meet for lunch at least once a month. She was fun, patient, nerdy, and the best listener I have ever known. After she was diagnosed with cancer, she would ask if you and Gus could join us when we made plans. I knew exactly what she was doing. And it worked. She's gone now, but we have continued to stay connected, not only because we are family, but because you have become my confidant too. That Silly Susan - so tricky!
Love, Cyd-the-Kid
“Right now, it’s really important for me to remember, I can call someone, and we can go laugh!”