Dear Jen,

To be perfectly honest, I remember very little of us together during my childhood.  Five years behind you in age, I spent much of my playtime with your younger sister Maureen. I am, however, very aware of my gratitude of your existence. As we get older, I feel we are more like equals than you an older sister and me a pesky younger one. I admire your skills with a bowl and spatula, your straight-forward nature, and your devotion to the people you love. Our relationship is easy for me to take for granted because you have always been there. I don't imagine about my life without you guys in it, because it's just unfathomable to me. 

Love, Cydney

I photographed Jen in the yard of her childhood home in Wakefield. She lives in Peabody, MA with her husband Patrick, their kids, Lilly, 15, and Owen, 9, and their dog Charlie.

I photographed Jen in the yard of her childhood home in Wakefield. She lives in Peabody, MA with her husband Patrick, their kids, Lilly, 15, and Owen, 9, and their dog Charlie.

My world is not right until I make everybody else’s world right.
— Jennifer Brennan