Dear Donna,
I had to giggle to myself when we sat down to our interview together because more than anyone else, you had notes. Lots of them. I love that about you. No one will ever accuse you of being unprepared. I admire the life you have made for yourself. You are smart and thoughtful and not remotely interested in being like everyone else. For years and years you painted your pinky nail black, no matter what color the rest of your nails were. It was your thing. Years ago, when you told us about your next big adventure - to buy and refurbish a large old farmhouse built sometime between 1780 and 1790, I didn't raise an eyebrow, but rather thought to myself Of course Donna's going to do that! because it's daring and exciting and hard work and you're the perfect person to go on and conquer that exciting adventure!
Love, Cydney
“If you have high expectations and you set up an environment for (people) to succeed, you will get more from people than they think they can give you”